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Friday, January 15, 2010

I Heart Old Masterpieces

Yesterday I downloaded many classical musics.. :)
Most of them are recommended by my friend,, Resilience.. (Thank you, Didi.. ^^)

I found one composer that I like so much from Rusia named Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky..

 Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky by Nikolay Kuznetsov, 1893
(picture taken from Wikipedia)

I bet you guys have heard most of his pieces..
They are the ballets Swan Lake, The Sleeping Beauty, The Nutcracker, Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy, love theme from Romeo and Juliet, and many more..

Here comes a video of Fantasia Fairies dancing with Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy as the back sound..

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Next is a Greek mythology character named Atalanta.. (Thanks again, Di... ^^)

Atalanta was the daughter of Schoeneus or Iasius, (or Mainalos) a Boeotian (according to Hesiod) or an Arcadian princess (according to Apollodorus). Apollodorus is the only one who gives an account of Atalanta’s birth and upbringing. King Iasos wanted a son; when Atalanta was born, he left her on a mountain top to die. Some stories say that a she-bear suckled and cared for Atalanta until hunters found and raised her, and she learned to fight and hunt as a bear would. She was later reunited with her father. Atalanta, having grown up in the wilderness, became a fierce huntress and was always armed. It is said that she took an oath of virginity to the goddess Artemis. When two centaurs Rhoikos and Hylaios tried to rape her, Atalanta killed them. (Wikipedia)

Atalanta's Race: Illustration by Alexander Koshkin
(picture taken from here)

Here is 1974 children's cartoon short movie of Atalanta,, when her father was searching for the right guy to be Atalanta's husband..

And this one..
Actually it's not an "old" masterpiece,, but I like it either..

A stop motion pencil drawn cut out animation by Rima Staines for the Orla Wren track 'The Fish and the Doll' from album 'The One Two Bird And The Half Horse' released in 2009 on the FLAU label. Vocals by Russudan Meipariani.

You can check another pencil drawn motion picture in Vierra band's music video clip "Rasa Ini" at my playlist.. ;)

Happy watching and listening!! ^-^


Diandra Epifania (@diandraepifania) said...

You're welcome, Jess..

Tchaikovsky memang banyak buat lagu untuk ballet yang zaman itu banyak diminati... Yah kalau sekarang mirip2 sama komposer-komposer soundtrack film/game-lah, kayak Howard Shore, John Williams, atau Nobuo Uematsu.. Makanya rata-rata lagunya Overture, Dance, atau Waltz.. Komposer Rusia lain yang juga keren Stravinsky.. Coba dengerin lagu-lagu Petrushka, deeh.. Itu juga buat ngiringin show..

Hehehe, cerita Atalanta emang banyak. Ada juga cerita tentang dia dan Meleager dan Calydonian boar hunt.. Film gw nyeritain ketika dia sedang lomba dengan Hippomenes.. Cerita-cerita Mitologi Yunani emang suka nggak masuk akal, tapi tetep bagus.. Semuanya diambil dari puisi-puisi yang kemudian dibikin narasi.. Kalau mau baca puisinya, coba 'The Iliad' atau 'Odyssey' karya Homer. Bentuknya puisi tapi isinya cerita. 'Iliad' tentang Perang Troya dengan tokoh utama Achilles (yah, sama kayak film Troy lah, meskipun banyak yang beda dengan literaturnya juga). 'Odyssey' tentang petualangan pahlawan pasca perang Troya, yaitu Raja Odysseus/Ulises. Itu seru banget loh! Hehe.. Gw sih ga baca buku puisinya, tapi langsung narasinya, soalnya cukup ribet dan banyak bahasa Inggris kuno yang bahkan suka nggak ada katanya di kamus!

Oh, ya, satu lagi informasi tentang Mitologi Yunani - berhubung rata-rata buku-buku yang dijual sebelumnya bahasa Inggris dan mahal, kemarin gw browsing di Gramed udah ada loh versi bahasa Indonesia-nya! Coba dicari deh.. Ada satu tentang Sophocles, yang nyeritain kisah Oedipus (kalau di psikologi, ada istilah Oedipus complex, semacam gangguan di mana seorang anak laki-laki jatuh cinta pada ibunya sendiri dan menganggap ayahnya sebagai rival. Nah, kata Oedipus complex itu diambilnya dari nama Oedipus dari Mitologi Yunani). Selain Sophocles, juga masih ada buku yang nyeritain kisah tentang dewa-dewinya, tapi gw lupa banget judulnya apa. Hehe. Coba cari aja. Menarik loh! Gw suka banget.. ^_^

Dogloverzz said...

Tar gw coba dengerin d si Stravinsky itu..

Klo bukunya,, pengen baca si..
Tapi mahal ga??
Liat harganya dulu d gw..
Puisinya akan gw coba search di google.. ;)

Diandra Epifania (@diandraepifania) said...

Ok, ok.. Hehe.. Jadi promosiin lagu klasik ke Jessie, deeh.. ^_^

Yang jelas harga bukunya nggak semahal yang impor lah ya.. Hehe.. Paling di bawah 50ribu-an..